Reflowed text

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Var myOldSmartText = Īpp. = true Īpp. = AddPageOptions.END_OF_STORY Īpp. = true I'm posting a snippet of code, because i'we seen a lot of threads on the same subject, and maby someone else will find it usefull. It's a ugly cludge, but at least it works. My only option, for now, is to ask the user to click a button after the text has reflowed. I tried to see if a backgroundTask isn't triggered. Smart reflow only starts after the script has stopped running. no overflow, proceed with breaking stories how? it seems to be triggered only on idle?Īlert('This story has overset text.

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/ proceess tables, code too long, not important Did anyone managed to trigger /wait for smart text reflow using scripting, in a usefull manner?Īpp.findTextPreferences = app.changeTextPreferences = NothingEnum.NOTHING Īpp.changeTextPreferences.startParagraph = StartParagraph.NEXT_ODD_PAGE

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